Don’t Mess With Minnesota Please was founded with the sole purpose of supporting local organizations that are doing great work in helping protect the things that make Minnesota a beautiful place. With every purchase from DMWMP you get to select which charity a percentage of the proceeds goes to. To that end, we want to highlight some of the organizations that your purchase can help support, and are starting things off with our default charity dedicated to protecting a part of the state that holds a special place in our hearts, Friends of the Headwaters. We both have a history with the Headwaters area- Brian spent summers at his grandma’s house on Long Lake in Park Rapids and Amanda took annual camping trips at Bearpaw Campground in Itasca State Park with her family growing up. As we’ve had kids of our own, we are grateful to keep these traditions alive and get back to this area at least once every summer with our new family.
Friends of the Headwaters is doing great work in educating the public and fighting to prevent the Enbridge Line 3 pipeline, which could have serious harmful impacts to the natural resources in the region.
From their website: “Friends of the Headwaters (FOH) is a local citizen's group organized for the purpose of protecting our precious resources: Itasca State Park, the Mississippi River, our clean lakes and trout streams, the aquifer for our drinking water, our forests and wildlife from the potentially devastating impacts that will occur if the Enbridge Line 3 pipeline is constructed on the currently proposed route in Hubbard, Clearwater, Cass, Aitkin and Carlton Counties.”
Learn more about their initiatives and find out how you can help the cause here: https://www.
Thank you to Friends of the Headwaters for all their work, and for showing Enbridge what it means when we say “Don’t Mess With Minnesota, Please!”
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